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Frequently Asked Questions
What is different about Numé Aesthetics Clinic?
We take pride in our individualized treatment plans, created and executed by Janice Shook MD MPH. No services are performed by another provider or technician. Dr. Janice personally follows up on every client and a 2 week follow up and touch up is included with all services. All consultations are free with no obligation. No high pressure sales or push to "do more" than a client is ready for. Dr. Janice is fully transparent with prices, which are published on the website. If a service will not create the goal that the patient desires, Dr. Janice will not perform the service. You can trust your care to Numé Aesthetics Clinic.
How do I book an appointment?
1. Self schedule online- Use our website "Book Now" buttons to lead you to the open appointment page or click on the tab at the top of the page for "Services and Booking" to get to the tabs that say "Book Now" under your service that you wish to book. You will see a calendar. Click on the date that works for you and available appointment times will show. Dates with available appointments will have a dot on the day. Click on the appointment time you want and a page will load for you to input your information. If you aren't sure exactly what service you are interested in, please feel free to book a general consultation. Once you successfully book your appointment, you will receive a confirmation email.
2. Call 614-642-2779. We can schedule you for an appointment over the phone. Please leave a message if we are not able to get to the phone and we will call you back.
What do Botox and Dysport do?
Botox and Dysport are neuromodulators that block the signaling from the nerve to the muscle, causing the muscle to no longer move. Each of these medications have different formulations, but how they work is more or less the same. When the muscles no longer move, this causes wrinkles and fine lines to "fall out", giving a smoother and more youthful appearance.
Why do people call Botox and Dysport "Toxin"?
Botox and Dysport are all derived ultimately from botulism toxin, a neurotoxin. Botulism toxin is a naturally occurring entity from bacteria whose effect of paralyzing muscles has been harnessed so that doctors can use it in a controlled manner to paralyze muscles in areas of our choice. This gives a desired cosmetic effect. Since all of these products are based from this botulism toxin, we often refer to them as a group as "Toxin." Plus, it rolls off the tongue easier than "Neuromodulators" or "Neurotoxin!"
How do I know how many "units" to expect?
The number of units needed for a desired result varies based on a multitude of factors. Some factors that affect the number of units required includes age, biological sex, how large an individual's facial muscles are, how much post procedure movement the client desires, the depth of wrinkles and an individual's personal metabolism. Here are some general guidelines.
Frown lines:
Botox: 10-25 units
Dysport: 30-75 units
Botox: 10-25 units
Dysport: 30-75 units
Crow's feet:
Botox: 10-30 units
Dysport: 30-90 units
Chin (Mentalis to treat peau d'orange):
Botox: 4-8 units
Dysport: 12-24 units
How do I know if I am looking for dermal filler or a toxin like Botox or Dysport?
"Toxin" like Botox and Dysport paralyze the injected muscles, which will smooth over fine lines and wrinkles. Dermal fillers, such as Restylane, Juvederm and Radiesse product lines, add volume. This can enhance facial features such as adding volume to the lips or cheek bones. It can also replace lost volume in the cheeks, lower face, temples and tear troughs. This can "fill" in Marionette lines, smokers lines, etc. It can help improve the appearance of scars. Filler works better for larger facial folds.
What is a lip flip?
A lip flip uses "toxin" to give the appearance of a fuller upper lip. Dr. Janice will do 2-4 small injections of toxin to the top of the upper lip area. It is especially helpful for people whose top lip "disappears" when they smile.
Before After
How do I prepare for my appointment?
Approximately one week before your appointment, please stop taking aspirin, ibuprofen, NSAIDS, St John's Wort, Vitamin E, Fish oil, Omega-3 fatty acids, Gingko Biloba and Ginseng. These medications increase your likelihood of having bruising. Be sure to tell Dr Janice if you are on any blood thinning medications, such as Plavix, Arixtra, Coumadin, Warfarin, Eliquis, Pradaxa, etc. These medications do increase your risk for severe bruising.
On the day of your appointment, avoid heavy foundation or makeup products.
What should I expect after I get "toxin" ie Botox or Dyport?
A tiny needle is used to inject the "toxin" into your muscles. You may see a little red bump where it was injected for 20-30 minutes. You may also see a tiny red spot where the needle entered your skin. Be sure NOT to rub the area or lay flat for at least 4 hours.
It takes time to see the results. By day 3 or 4 you will see less movement in the intended muscles. Maximum decrease in movement is seen at 2 weeks post treatment. Clients with deeper furrows and wrinkles will continue to see improvement in the depth and appearance of the wrinkles. Deep wrinkles did not form overnight and don't completely disappear overnight either! However, you will see improvement at 2 weeks.
Dr. Janice will give you an aftercare sheet which has Do's and Don'ts as well as what to expect.
How often do I need to be treated with "toxin"? How long does it last?
This is very dependent on the individual. Each person metabolizes toxin at a different rate. Most people will need to have repeated dosing every 3-4 months. Some people metabolize the product very quickly and have results for less than 3 months. Some people see effects for 5 months or more! The vast majority of people will need to be treated every 3-4 months for the best maintenance of their look. You should make an appointment once you start seeing movement or the reappearance of fine lines where you previously had wrinkles.

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